Haiti Mission

With Dr. Paz & Team

Dr Paz has led a dental mission to Haiti every year since 1994.

Volunteers of dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, and non-professionals from all over the country and members of his own family have given of their time, money, and talents to help suffering adults and children in this, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. These unfortunate Haitians suffer sometimes for months before a dental team can come to their island to help them. They live in severe poverty with no electricity, no running water, and little to eat. Hunger and disease are rampant.

Dr Paz with Gerry and Sonja Dickherber, collaborated on building a mission on the island of La Gonave, Haiti. The Dickherbers gave of their time, energy and resources to create the mission of Celebrate Jesus of Haiti. That mission has become multiple feeding sites, a church, school, and medical/dental clinic. In time the mission has expanded to multiple areas and new church plants.

Since the retirement of the Dickherbers, Gifts of Love International(GOLI) has assumed management of Celebrate Jesus of Haiti. Through their leadership, the mission has continued to grow serving the physical and spiritual needs of the poor of La Gonave.

This link below has much more information about the Haiti Dental Mission and GOLI. It is largely through the generosity of caring individuals that support the mission that brings relief of hunger and suffering. Dr Paz would like you to prayerfully consider supporting this worthy cause. All of your tax deductible donations will go directly to helping the poor people of Haiti.
